Online based PTE academic is very conductive to perceive the real feature of PTE because PTE Academic is a computer based Exam. That is why we arrange our online course based on advanced instrumental curriculum as we as prepare lesson plan maintain additional support.
In this special course we conduct online classes only with a student in where an Expert teacher is appointed to solve his/her problems and teach the basic things of PTE Academic in detail discussions. The course is also varied from the duration of time based on students basic condition of English as well as urgency of score.
For this bullet course program we will serve 7 classes for advance learning of the course. Each of the class lasts at least 2 hours to complete. We provide 3 full length online PTE mock tests with PTE scorecard and feedback, course materials, 20 lecture sheets, Course Book with CD, PTE practice software.
In addition to this, the candidate will receive review classes after attending 3 PTE mock tests with the trainer one after another.